Oral presentations should include the purpose and results of a scientific study that is concluded or still in progress. They should not be compilations.

Oral and poster abstracts (not more than one page) should be written in a “Microsoft Word” file (doc. – docx. format) in Turkish, Arabic or English. Subject title, lower dash and name of the participant who will make the presentation should be given as file name (eg: religionandart_johnsmith) to the abstract while saving. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words.

The title of the paper should contain the following information:

  1. Paper name
  2. Writer’s name – with his/her title
  3. Writer’s institution – with faculty and the department
  4. Contact information (correspondence address, phone number, fax, e-mail)

Papers should be written according to İSNAD citation system. For detailed information: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/en/

A Word document has been prepared for the convenience of the participants. Participants are kindly requested to write their papers according to this template.
